Monday, December 31, 2012

Bye & Hi

Goodbye to 2012 and Hello to 2013 ! :) Someone was setting off the fireworks ! :D 2012... was just over in a blink of an eye, it's time to start my form 5 life... although I am not really get ready for this. 2012 was already a past tense, became a very important memory for me. I learnt a lot in 2012, it was a year with so much of happiness, thankyou. For the sad things, let bygones be bygones, work hard and let the failure become success, someday when you look back at your past, you will feel that without the sadness, your life will not be such wonderful . :) Gonna back to school on tomorrow, hope that everything will be great in this year, my new year wish, hope myself will not be so lazy like last year, hmmmm....I mean like the past ten years or like my whole life...LOL Anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR ! Enjoy the last day of holiday ! Friends, see you guys on tomorrow! :D Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Sunday, December 30, 2012


Weeeeeee Hey! Went Timesquare shopping mall again with Seow Ting yesterday! Long time didn't hang out with her, can't stop talking all the way. :P She bought a few pieces of clothes, what I most remember is the running man T-shirt ! LOL We went to a korea shop...KOREA...someone appeared in my mind when there were something related to Korea...that's you , DIANA ! LOL Okay It is not a huge shop, and that's a little bit narrow inside the shop, but.... MANY PEOPLE !!! Omg You can see all the people no matter what races and ages... The prices of the things there are not so cheap....but still a lot of people were waiting to pay. Korean idols I don't know much... hmm...or I can say I just know ss501 because of Jung Minieeeeee ,my first and only korean XD To pursue solo careers, the band is inactive now but there are solo albums of them ! :D Yeshhhhh I saw Jung Min's there, so sad that I didn't get it for this time ! :'( Arghhhhh gonna get it next time, wait meeeeee!

Had Korean cuisine in Dubu Dubu. When we were having our lunch, tv in the restaurant was showing a concert of a lot of korean groups, she said she likes BIG BANG ! :)

 Had Blue Ocean in Sweet Chat. What were we doing at there was just GOSSIP ! :P

When I back home, had a bath and rested for awhile... going for next round, Redbox with my sis and her friend, KKH ! :P Thanks to KKH, we had buffet there. XD Oh yay ! We sang a lot of songs... until 12.xx a.m., damn tired but enjoyed so much ! Sorry that I screamed...because I saw.....

PARK JUNG MIN !!!!! There was just a song of him and it was hangul lyric, we watched his MV together, NOT ALONE , my favouriteeeeeee! Weeeeeeeeeee!

Had a really great time with you guys, THANKS ! :D OMG School is gonna reopen soon..... NOOOOOOOOOO!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Merry belated Christmas ! :) Christmas was just over, noooo.... I don't wanna it to be over.... Christmas ...DON'T LEAVE ME !!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, today is 26th of December, a few days to go 2013... don't feel like wanna say 'HI' to 2013 so fast, I haven't ready to face all the upcoming events on 2013. :( Arghhh...the time will not be slower as the Christmas leave me too. =3= So, just jump over this topic! Let's talk about Christmas Eve, I went Timesquare shopping mall with my sis, she wore her Christmas hat while she was driving, she looked so happy and said:' Woooo...weeeee.. I'm Santa ! Santa is going to buy some presents, but now is a traffic jam...' I was like 'LOL' , Santa suffers traffic jam !? XD She said:' That's great if I'm the real Santa, I'll have my own reindeer !' She is just like a child ! :P Then, we wore the Christmas hats together when we reached the shopping mall. LOL

A cute Christmas hat purse! My sis bought it to me ! :D Awww... LOVE IT ! 

Candies from my sis ! She always bring us a lot of candies, chocolates and everything , just like Santa ! This Ms.Santa from my house brings thingies for us whenever it is Christmas day or not. ;)

Had a very great day with my sis, the other day was just Christmas, so excited! :D When I'm gonna have a good sleep to welcome Christmas, a bad feeling was coming, NOOOOOOOO the mucus gushed out from my nose......................Sneezed and sneezed 'He ..l..p m...meeeeeee, my...yyy..... Christ.... ma... assssss!' My mum was sicked and I was not feeling we were just stayed home all the day. Christmas of 2012 ended up together with a pile of tissue papers.... :'(   Hope my mum will get well soon ! : ) 

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Performance @ Aeon 23/12/2012

Time flies... I was like the performance is coming, need to do more practise, and now the performance was already passed for two days. Feeling so happy to have performances with you guys, these were so amazing ! Hope we can have more and more performances together in the coming days ! Keep in touch ! :D After the performance, Zhi Qi, Yinn Syuen, Chong Li and me followed Mr.Cyril and Ms.Chloe to the pasar malam at Kepong! :P Chong Li and me went to the pasar malam by teacher's new car, Honda CRZ ! LOL Okay, we played rock-paper-scissors to decide who's the one sitting infront and behind, of course the one who won will sit infront which is more comfort I think? I can say the whole of the game, I just won the first round...... So, I'm the one who was sitting behind and hugging his 'wife' all the way until we reached the pasar malam. OMG This was my first time ever to have stinky tofu, I don't dare to go near with it everytime I go to pasar malam because it's smell will come to me even I'm just stepped into the pasar malam, it smells so bad. Mr.Cyril and Ms.Chloe love it so much and they said each of us must have a piece of it, I felt a little bit scare, I can't imagine it will taste good when the smell came. Tried it out, it was okay actually, not as terrible as what I think, surprisingly it was quite nice, it tastes spicy. :P 

Duet with Zhi Qi ! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D


V.S ensemble group ! :D and two little cute kids...our new members ! :D Why was Zhi Qi looked like smiling so sweet in this photo? I didn't remember that we were playing a love song. XD

Photos from Chong Li ! ;)

Waiting teachers for our super awesome group photos ! LOL We took the photos infront of teachers' music centre after the performance ! The funny moment when the alarm system of the cinema opposite the music centre was keep beeping, as we didn't know about the reason, we were like 'YAY!' and did whatever pose without giving a xxxx ! XD Okay, friends , I'll miss you guys soooooooooo muchieeee ! Hope to see you guys again as soon as possible ! Teeeheeeee


Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Oh Heyyy tomorrow is just 21st of Dec ! :P Does tomorrow the doomsday? LOL Okay, seems like everbody was tired to be nervousness for this topic AGAIN... Maybe I can say that's just one post out of thirty is about doomsday, and others are just as usual like korean idols, some x'mas trees and random stuffs. From those posts, you can see the large differences between a post and the next, or it can be said like everyone's thought. It was a post about doomsday...something like 'Tomorrow is the doomsday, what you guys planning to do?' , started to feel a little bit sad and gonna try to think about this question right, when I scrolled, there were korean idols' pictures and comments like ' Sooooo cuteeee!' ,that's really cute, and another post, I don't know is it the best or the most creative among all the posts, it is about the SPM on next year. == Oh yeah, I'm speechless. Some people are worrying about tomorrow and some people are worrying about the next year, chill and enjoy your time! So, let's say 'HI' together to 21ST DEC ! :D

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Christmas Concert & Students Award Night

After I back from the education fair, that's a Christmas Concert & Students Award in V.S. So, we went there about 4.30 pm for practise since it will be start on 7 o'clock. The first song we performed was the song which same with the one we performed during the classical music camp... Epic failed........LOL Hope we'll not having phobia of this song  XD Other songs were better, but I admit I've played something wrong! X ) Okay, a nice experience with you guys ! Let's work harder for the next performance in AEON! :D About the group photo.....LOL make it on Thursday ! :P


Weeeee went to the education fair at Mid Valley yesterday with Doggieeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! Actually the courses we interested in are quite same, that's something related to math and biology. Okay... I love math and between three of the science subjects, I like Biology the most. The preferred course in my mind is still remain...ACTUARIAL SCIENCE. Met some consultants, we asked about the information about actuarial science and biotech, when the consultant asked us :'' Owhh...biotech...can you guys imagine that you will stay in the lab for...maybe quite a long time...?" , I was like 'What!? NO!' I can't imagine that I'm wearing a laboratory coat and doing my work in a lab, IT DOESN'T SUITS ME ! That's okay for me if I looked smart but ...... LOL A lot of nonsense... actually I'm more interested in math... one of the consultant said actuarial science is a subject which it is tough, ya... I heard this from a lot of people too..because actuarial science is not a course which is just using math but involved others. Besides, I've been told that there are another courses which are related to math ,some of them I didn't even know before this..... >< Need to do more research about that... as one of the consultant said 'Many things will change in a year.' so.....need  to be patient and find a course that's suitable for myself ! : )

Saturday, December 1, 2012


很久沒有更新了,也很久沒有用過華文寫blog,現在我的華文真的是退步到一個程度。>.< 在這個假期,即使是重看,卻依舊十分的感慨、感動,看著他們對於音樂的喜愛、執著、熱誠及努力,一直撐到最後,結局的時候眼淚還真忍不住掉了下來。雖然可能是戯的結局,但卻給人感覺那並不是所謂的結局,大家依舊為音樂努力著,不會放棄。我學到了很多,努力著向前進。真正享受音樂就是不一樣,在享受的過程中往往可以領悟到很多,也可以學習到可能你平時爲了學習而學習的東西,很快樂。之前學習演奏技巧的時候,都一直很注意、在意自己有沒有成功做到,手勢錯了吧,都不是很成功。儅我在享受地練習著曲子時,我竟然做到了,加上了技巧,多麽唯美的音樂,我稍微張開了眼睛,看向我的手,既然很流利地做出了技巧,而且手勢還有別于剛才的。下一秒,音樂停止了,眼睛睜得很大,因爲我整個人都呆了,在想剛才的音樂真的是我拉出來的嗎。可笑吧?儅我告訴老師,她也笑我了。XD 但是,這卻是對我來説非常重要的回憶。我學了起來那個手勢,雖然還不是說很流暢,但我問了老師,她說對了噢,我整個人就在狂喜的狀態,音樂是多麽的不可思議啊。練習的時候,會有許多難題,自己也有很多不該有的坏習慣,都不容易學,也不容易改,但有時安靜地想一想,我真的從這些難題和我所做錯過的東西上學到很多很多。每一次的練習,都可能學上新的東西,即使有時練習還是會有點累,但儅你又學到了新的東西時,累不累的早就忘了。每個人的資質都不一樣,也許有人會覺得簡單,可能還有人一學就會,只要自己努力,儅自己學習到的時候,真的會覺得很有意義。還要謝謝音樂,讓我交到了很多很好的朋友,一起演奏的時候很高興,出來的音樂也很棒。我的小提琴,有它我很快樂。希望有一天,我能演奏出值得讓人欣賞的音樂。: )

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Heyyy I'm back from the music camp ! :D I back on Tuesday 11.xx pm's almost 12 am! XD After having my bath, I straight away wish my mum Happy Birthday LOL it's already 12.xx am! I thought I can back home early and bake a cake for her but that's too late to do that, feel sorry to her. T_T So I've bought a fruit cake for her! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUMMY , you're the best mummy in the world for me ! Thankyou for taking care of every single thing in this family, and thankyou for the love you gave us ! Love ya ! : ) ♥ About the music camp, I really felt that wanna go home on the first day, the second and third, I enjoyed so much ! :D I've met new friends there, we talk, eat, play music together ! Until now, I miss the camp ! ; ) I didn't capture any photo, so that these are from Chong Li ! :P Thanks ya !

Virtuoso Strings ensemble group, we've practice before the camp but I had a bit shocked that 6 of us performed in the first day of the camp . 0.o Before the performance, felt nervous and the hall was very cold, my legs keep shaking though we had a rehearsal before that. =3= Okay, luckily I felt nothing on the stage, that's weird , I thought I'll shudder like hell on the stage but I didn't , but our pitch ....................... LOL !

Yee Peng (Violist), Chong Li (Guitarist), Zhi Qi (Violist), Yinn Syuen (Guitarist), Me(Violist), Caleb(Guitarist) , this was the position when we were having our performance ! :D 

About the violin small group, I'm so glad that my instructor is a famous violist in Malaysia, Angela Lou ! OMG ! How excited I am ! We performed 2 pieces 'The Surprise Symphony' and  'Yao Zhu Wu Qu' . Okay, I can said we played better in our practise, my hands were stiff on the stage, and I played something wrong ! XD The first reaction after the performance, 5 of us were like 'ARGHHHHHHHHHHH' , luckily teacher said okay and really luckily that we did cover each other to finish the performance. XD A great experience for us !  

When I saw this photo, I was like feel sorry to Michael again ! LOL Well, he is really professional , I'm 16 years old ! :P Actually I was just joking with him, he guessed I'm 16, I told him that I'm 22 and I thought he will say something like 'You lie !' or else, he looked shocked and asked me 'Seriously!?', then he believed me ! I told him the truth on the way we back. XD He looked like form 4 or 5 too, but he told that he is 23, unbelievable! =3= Boys nowadays are always looked younger than they are, girls will be so pity okay ? :'( We've learnt a lot of knowledges of violin through the workshop and master classes, although I didn't participate the master class in this camp, we learnt new things during another violists presenting. The big group ensemble performance was awesome ! Performed 'In A Heart Beat' together with all the violists and guitarists ! :D Thanks to Ken Foo, it came out by so amazinggggggg ! 

Maria Isabel Siewer , a famous guitarist from Argentina ! OMG I got her signature ! She is cute and friendly, we will always smile and say hello to each other when we met in the hotel. ;D The aritsts concert by Maria Isabel Siewer, Eprodito G.Bartolome and Angela Lou were fabulous !!! :DDD Before we're going back , they brought us to Gua Tempurung , and that's our pleasure to enjoy the performance from Angela in the Gua Tempurung ! :D

This music camp was really great, but SPM will be coming on next year, I don't think I can join it ! :'( Okay, as like what Ken Foo said to me 'Things might work out your way next year.' , I hope so ! :D

Monday, November 5, 2012


Yoooo gonna tuition today, talk a lot of 'wiaofsense' with doggie again ! And I'll practice my violin with friends because 6 of us are in a group for a performance. :D  Last Saturday was the first time ever we played together, actually I'm a bit nervous because I scare if I played something wrong, I will influence the guitarists beside me. XD Okay, the music retreat is coming soon, hope I can play well then ! Oh yea, my sister bought an acoustic guitar yesterday, its pink in colour ! :D Actually she wanna buy the white colour guitar but there was no new stock for that model, its just left the display and just the only one, and there was some other colour found on the white guitar that can't rub it off. So...PINK!!! It looked nice too! ;D Hyek hyek ! Okkie stop here, I'm enjoying my time watching music video now ! XD

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Yayy Final examination is finally over OVER !!! The History paper 3...LOL yesterday was the first time I did the open book exam in school, felt like I was doing something bad. =3= hand was really pain and I think my hand will be pain again tomorrow, haishhh need to return the text books and this year will be the year which is heaviest among my secondary school life...I mean my whole school life, English version text books + BM version text books. o_o Okay, forget about it, holiday is just coming soon, how amazing is this ! Hmmm...feel like form 4 life is short, its gonna end , did I do anything? LOL What to do in this holiday? I'm sooooooo excited ! hyek hyek ! I can sleep, lay on the sofa, sleep, lay on the sofa, sleep, lay on the sofa and  lay on the sofa to sleep! :D OMG can't wait to enjoy my holiday ! XD


Weeeeee HELLO ! Okay, the toughest week of the final examination is finally over ! I'm in a holiday mood now though the examination hasn't over ! ;P I'm like start to think something to do in my holidays . XD Hyek hyek oh yeah I baked chocolate cookies yesterday , FAILED ! It tastes good but not enough crunchy. T_T Heeee but that's okay , how can there be a beautiful success without any failure , I'll try again next time when those I baked yesterday finished. LOL XD

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Bye examination is just around the corner. :'( So...I'll not be here for about one month maybe... my examintaion is until 31st of October ,arghhhhhhhhh! I'm so lazy lazy lazy !!! BYE my dear bloggie, see ya next month...I'll miss you a lot. :') HELP I really don't wanna swtich off my computer ! NOOOOOOOOO

Saturday, September 29, 2012


Hyeee my bloggie! About a week's time didn't update my bloggie. :( Yea...many things happened but I didn't update it. Okay...maybe I can still update about what I gave doggie as her birthday present because that was so important in my life. LOL Alright, the present for her was the cookies I baked myself ! :) OMG This was the first time I baked, baking is amazing ! :D Although I burnt my fingers while doing that, but I'm still feeling so happy! :P

 FAILED. LOL This was the first time, I've found out that I added too much of baking powder after that. Hmm...some of it was just taste like cake. XD

Cookies in the oven ! :3

Weeeeeeeee Done ! :'D

I love cookies ! I'll try to improve myself , hope the cookies I bake next time will be more delicious ! :D TEEHEEE  :D

Thursday, September 20, 2012


WIAOF WIAOF Today is someone's birthday ! Awwww...HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOGGIE ! :D I knew I've said that you will only be my post's title when my blog are reaching 200 posts but there are just 120+ posts now, you're 80+ posts earlier than expected, CONGRATULATIONS ! Don't feel too touch for this, I know your tears are going to roll down ! :P Well, I know maybe what you want the most from me is just the answer of your first impression to me but I can tell you that's such a not-so-easy question for me, the first time we met was a few years ago and I try my best to recall the memories we stayed together... Hmmm.....your impression to me is just......I don't think you wanna hear this kind of answers ! :) That's okay, cheer up friend ! I know truth is harder to accept , so I'll create a new version of your first impression to me due to your birthday, though it's a little bit hard for me ! OMG Your first impression to me is you're such a perfect person in the world ! I'm so glad to meet you ! :D

ISHHH I realized that all I've typed above are NONSENSE ! =3= Don't blame me because we can non-stop talking 'wiaofsense' all the time and maybe this is just our STYLE ! :3 Friend, thankyou, you're the one who always make my day. Remember to enjoy your birthday and don't forget to make a birthday wish, it might comes true! :D We are same age now, please you're not younger than me and I'm not OLDER than you! LOL Anyway, happy sweet sixteen and have a blast ! ;)

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to DOGGIE,
Happy Birthday to you !

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Well, the post title for today is what I'm facing now, sneeze sneeze and sneeze ! Help...not feeling well today...and I feel so cold now. :( Hope to get well soon because tomorrow is family day, I don't wanna end up my weekend by hiding out myself in the blanket. Luckily next Monday is a public holiday, I'm not gonna bring a roll of toilet paper to school! :P

Arghhh...Today is just not my day. Okay, when my tuition class ended, I wanna buy something before walking home, suddenly I was like tripped over something, I looked backwards...DANG my shoe was falling apart. Imagine that's what a sad case if your handphone is not along with you that time, this was what happened on me this morning. =3= Yea, then I just went into a store and borrowed a handphone to make a call , luckily my mum was at the morning market near the store and my house too. Actually she told me before about the shoes maybe will gonna fall apart soon, I was like okay, but maybe it will not to fall apart so easily? Should listen to other's advice ! :P LOL Thankyou the person who borrowed me your handphone, THANKS, you're such a kind person, you saved my life ! hahah :D XD

The final examination is coming soon, LAZY !!! What's on my hand now is not a book but tissue paper ! XD I always asking myself a same question and my answer is always same too , that's 'When do you wanna start to prepare for your examintaion?' 'TOMORROW !' weeeeeeeeeeee :P

Monday, September 10, 2012


Weeee Finally I'm here to update my blog ! :P I laughed at Doggie a few days ago, "Hahah, you're long time didn't update your blog right? ", I saw her latest post was the one she had updated about a week , I thought I've got a perfect chance to humiliate her ! Who knows? She said :" Hahah, I updated my blog just now, go and see ! You're the lazy one, you didn't update your blog !" Alright......I'm speechless. When I switched on the computer, okay let's see her blog, there are 2 or 3 new posts...== I feel so sorry to myself for being humiliate by her....I'll check properly next time before that..... errrrrrrr.... REGRET !

I followed my sis to the Paradigm Mall yesterday ,it's a new shopping centre that located at Petaling Jaya. My sis said the building looked like LV and I totally agree with that ! :D We had our lunch at Bar.B.Q Plaza, it is a self-cooking Japanese and Mongolian style barbeque restaurant...that's pretty amazing , I love the way when grilling by my own ! :D Well , we used a lot of butter , it was so delicious fattening ! == My sis said :" Nevermind, we're not always eat these!" LOL This is the best words for self-consolation , I'll continue indulging myself to eat hapilly after that. =3=

I will go to school tomorrow although half of the people of our class are going to KDU, here to say buhh byeee friends , enjoy! :D Oh yeah! It's time for my hobby , SLEEP !!!!! GOOD NIGHT ! XD

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Weeeee This actually happened a few days ago but it's too cute ,so I should update this post. Okay, when I was watching TV ,I heard my mum called me, she said that's a naughty kitty sleeps comfortably on its mother behind my neighbour's house. LOL

Eeeeeteeeyoooo This was so damn cuteeeeeeeeeee ! MIAO :3

Monday, August 20, 2012

BYE holiday !

Today is the last day of my holiday, awww holiday...I think I'll start to miss you on tomorrow! Okkie , what I've done during my holiday were eat, sleep, eat, eAT & EAT ! Omg I'm gonna be a fatty boom boom ! ._. Well, for my blog post...I think I just can share about the food ? XD


Breakfast at Levain

Thai Cuisine

Japanese Cuisine

Chocolate and Jelly beans

OMG Thanks my family for bringing me to enjoy those delicious food ! I love it ! Teeheeeee XD

Oh yea, I've watched the movie Diary of a Wimpy Kid with my family this morning, it's AWESOME !!! LOL This movie really made me non-stop laughing, that's freaking funny ! HAHAH Although I read the books of Diary of a Wimpy Kid but this is the first time I watch it's movie , AMAZING !!!!! ;D

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Dark Side

Everybody's got a dark side
do you love me?
can you love mine?
nobody's a picture perfect
but we're worth it
you know that we're worth it
will you love me?
even with my dark side?
don't run away
don't run away
just tell me that you will stay
promise me you will stay :')

Dark Side-Kelly Clarkson

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Weeeeeeeeeeee Examination is finally over !!!!! OMG Holiday is coming soon!!!!! Before that, I need to face my result...RESULT !!! Hope my result will be better, I'm such a lazy person but at least I studied this using my lazy way to study . =_= Just kidding! I'm a bit serious okay, just I lie on the sofa to study but unfortunately I fall asleep. zzz I woke up earlier to study too......ya.......heheh.....still a lazy person at all. =3= Stress will causes a people becomes thinner but that's absolutely doesn't work for me, I become fatter......ishhh! What does always happend on me is that I study on the sofa after having my meal and I fall asleep when I just finished reading 2 pages of the book, I'll sleep about 2 hours then...== OMG !

I really appreciate what you've done for me. :') You did all you can to help me, what you've said and what you've done are really made me felt touching...although we always insult each other as jokes LOLOLOL Okay Doggie, I'll trying to love you more!

BLUEEEEEE :D know me well, buy you a sweet ! XD DOGGIE-LAST-MINUTE-NOTE, its so useful for me! ;D OH YEAH ! Thankyou and sorry because of my Physics section C I did a wrong experiment, so I'm gonna say bye to A. XD Heeeeeeeeee be cheerful anytime yea ! :DDDDD

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Teeheee I walked home after my violin lesson just now, when I reached the guard house, I saw my mum was driving my sister's car and I started to laugh! OMG My sister's shoes were on the car top! I waved to my mum and I tried to let her know but I don't think she got it. LOL She saw me and the shoes dropped down when the car turned, she opened the door and looked at me:" Whose shoes are they?"LOL Then I told her that's my sister's shoes, she said:" Owhh, I heard the sound and I saw the shoes through the side mirror, it looked like your sister's ,that's why I opened the door. Ah, she said she wanna dry her shoes just now." Sorry, I can't control myself not to laugh, I laugh at her so loudly! I saw the shoes dropped down, the face that she asked me "whose shoes are they?" was really FUNNY ! Well, she said this is not the first time! XD

Omg Gonna say goodbye to July, August is coming and examination is coming too.-.- Although there are just a few chapters for each subject but that's enough to make me faint! I am just eat and sleep here, read 1 page and then sleep an hour, I don't know when can I finished to study...@@ I'm so happy to heard that's just one chapter for Biology, but what I knew after that is there are 15 subtitles in that chapter. :0 The subject I study now is History ! Heeeee I study slower than a tortoise! XD Okay, I'm gonna have my dinner , TATAAAAAAA! ;)

Friday, July 20, 2012


Weeeeeeeeee We did it ! Finally we had our M&M Mc Flurry ! ;D Miss it so much, it's sooooooo nice ! Like it ! Thanks to the pretty staff who helped us to make it ! Kakak, I LOVE YOU ! :D

See! See! It was so colourful ! Heeeheeeeeeeee XD Sure I'll have this again next time !
M&M Mc Flurry

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Arghhhh Don't know why there are many mouses these days ! Some of them 'visited' my house and ate our food like having buffet here ! LOL My neighbours' house too, she told me that the mouse bit her tupperware. XD Well ,mouses nowadays become smarter, the mouse jumped upstairs and ate my sis' chocolates! == The cake bought by my mum had been bitten, nobody ate the cake ,that means the mouse opened the tupperware and ate the cake?! OMG my mum caught one again! ;D

Such a large mouse ! o.o

The cat is going there ! XD

Weeeeee going to McD again with Doggie for our plan tomorrow! LOL Silly us ! :P

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Weeeeeee Yes, what I wanna share about is just FOOD ! OMG I'm so happy to have such delicious food in this weekend !

Had lunch with my sis yesterday ! Oh yea, that's SUSHI KING! ;) Sorry for just the plates and no sushi in the photo LOL I think you can imagine how hungry we were. XD

Weeeee Our dessert time !!! Teheeeeeeeeeee ;D

Breakfast with my family today ! DIM SUM !!! :DDD Hmm...sorry, I know it's too late to capture this photo because we already started to eat ! You know I'm hungry right ? *with pity face* LOLOLOLOL Any scientist wanna discover my stomach ? Like a black hole HOHOHO ;)


Friday, July 13, 2012


OHOHO Doggie, I'm so proud to be your blog title...*erhemm* but can you change the word silly to become something like cute ,adorable or pretty ? == Mind your word ! I'm not as silly as you okay? ;P I always do something silly with Doggie after became friend with her, PITY me! ;( WIAOF! Okay, what our plan for these days is having a Mc Flurry with M&M chocolates! ;D I miss it so much but don't know why that's no M&M flavour for sell anymore. T_T So, we decided to order a Mc Flurry Oreo that without Oreo and we'll buy M&M ourselves to add it in! XD Hmm...and we need the machine to mix the M&M with ice cream perfectly! Delicious right? ;D Well, we went about three shops to find the M&M and finally we bought it , OH YAY! SUPER EXCTIED ! When we reached McD ,

STAFF: Having here?
We : Yes. Hmm..2 Mc Flurry Oreo please? ( Ready to ask her for our M&M Mc Flurry )
STAFF: Sorry, We have no ice cream today. ;)
We : WHAT!?

OMG You know how foolish we looked? LOL Then we enjoyed our Mc Nuggets set there...-.-Lastly, what we ate were...

DANG DANG ! That's CORNETTO ! ;D Like a LOVE shape , heeeeeeee it's nice too but we'll never give up! Next Friday... McD WE'LL BE BACK !

Saturday, July 7, 2012


I've finally settled it... :) I've told what I wanna tell ,really feel better right now. It made me felt annoying even just a day, how can if it is forever? responsible for what you've did, regret is useless when it's too late. Thanks for your forgiveness... :')

Thursday, July 5, 2012



Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Weeeeee Followed my school to nuclear agency and The Mines yesterday ! Nuclear agency...what did I learn ? Hmmm...................................................................can't tell anyone because this is a secret! :o Actually I almost forgot about the nuclear thing. == I just remember one of the machine is just like a noodle machine, and other that is looked like an oven, okay I'm too hungry. About The Mines, this was the first time that I followed my school to go to a shopping centre. 0.0 LOL 2 busses of students went to shopping centre together. XD Teachers gave us one hour for having our lunch and walk around there, then we were just window shopping. ;P A nice memory with my friends ! ;D

Monday, July 2, 2012


Weeeee I participated the Chinese Quiz Competition on last Saturday! ;) We went SMK Kepong to participate the competition, I thought I can meet my best friend because she studies there and she will practise cheerleading in her school on Saturday. Unfortunately, we din't get to meet each other lastly, she told me that her cheerleading competition ended and no more practise . T_T Okay nevermind, since she promised she will manage to find time for our gathering. ;) Actually SMK Kepong is just near my previous home ! Taman Daya ,I miss there so much! Heeeeee :D About the Chinese Quiz Competition, there are 100 questions altogether, hope I can get a better marks ! ;D

Saturday, June 30, 2012

I'm BACK !

Hey! I had back from the camp yesterday! Weeeeeee Although it was tiring but I felt very happy! :D Kem Wirajaya Forest Resort...'RESORT'? *Doubt* LOL XD Actually it's okay, no mattress there and the bed we slept there was just a plank of wood. All of us were sleeping like a row of sardines.Toilets there...XD do I describe it? 2 toilets there for 1x or 2x people and always just gave us a few minutes, so rush you know...Toilets there can't flush, this the big problem, need to use the small pail outside, somebody din't do it and cause the toilets damn smelly but you won't care anything when you're in emergency.== The schedule changed, we slept at 4.xx a.m. the first day and 12.xx the second day,TIRED!!! Keep dozing when the instructors were talking there and gonna slap myself to avoid fall asleep ,I think pink sticker will appears on my shirt if I asleep . There were 2 colours of stickers , green=positive and pink=negative, pink stickers will cause certificate flies T__T Luckily our teachers and the instructors there are so kind ,all of us got certificate OH YEAHHHH ! I brought my spoon and fork there and lastly I eat with using my hand ! :D NICE TRY ! They gave us about 5 or 6 minutes to eat, I were almost the last one the first and second time, but I became faster and faster the following times ! ;D I just bath one time there and it was without any shampoo and shower gel ,the other days we just 'bath' in the river LOL Woooo We started our nightwalk in the jungle at 2.xx a.m., luckily the instructors let girls go in pairs for the solowalk, I'm with Sin Yee ! :D Some instructors hide there to scare us, their sound acted like fierce dogs' ,Sin Yee and I stunned there for awhile and we knew that there were just our instructors. @@ Actually we heard guys' sound before that and Sin Yee asked me did I hear guys' talking sound, I grabbed her hand tightly to let her knew I did and I saw the instructors' heads, I'm not confirm because it was very dark there, their sound acted like the real fierce dogs. 0.0 The 'X.P.D.C Kapal Terbang Terhempas' was so cool !!! Friends, you guys are really good in acting LOL The fake blood and facial expression looked like really pain and I felt like really saving an injured. XD Heeeeeee the songs and the dancing steps are still stuck in my head ! :D 'X X X-MEN SHING!' LOL TEAM B GROUP 6 ,Thanks for the memories, you guys are awesome ! Yay , I learnt a lot of things in this camp ! ;D It was nice and amazing OH YEAHHHHHH !

Went to Starbucks with my sis again and not feeling well again yesterday night. Don't know why I'll not feeling well like wanna spit after drank but it is really sooooo NICE ! WHY !!??? T___T

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I'm Coming !

Weeeee I'm going to kem perdana later ! I will miss my family ,friends ,bed ,and all my babies on my bed so much in this 3 days 2 nights camp! XD OH NO ,I always sleep at 10 or 11 p.m. but the schedule stated that we will sleep at 12a.m. the first day ,3a.m. the second day and need to wake up at 6a.m.. T_T Can't imagine what will I look like when I come back , maybe a panda ? :3 Panda is better than zombie right? XD Okay , it's time to say goodbye ,I'm gonna have my lunch and gather at school later ! TATAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ;)

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Someone keep asking me a same question these days, ‘What’s your first impression of me?’ :) LOL There is not other but you, NOSY DOGGIE! :P You ask me this because you wanna hear me to say something good about you ! MIAHAHA You know I’m not gonna do that ! I’ve knew you about a few years, I’ll forget something even just an hour past, are you expecting me to remember my first impression of you? You suggested me to write about you as my new post right? I think you could wait until my 200th blog post okay? Be patient…I believe you can do it ! ; ) *wink* TEEHEEEE

Hyek hyek ! I've got all my subject's results ! Luckily...NO FAIL !!! OH YEAH ! I'm so happy although my average is going down compare with last time , I thought I'll fail my Biology, Chemistry and BM! You know I'm very lazy and always study in last minute, I haven't finished study ! When I opened the question paper , OMG I'm gonna faint ! @@ BM is so hard ,the subject that I din't get A in my UPSR and PMR is just BM. Can somebody help me please...? :'( It's dangerous to help me , the kind person who help me will gonna get heart diseases because I'm tooooooo STUPID ! XD

Sorry to my teacher, I got the least mark for Biology in this examination. When I got back my exam paper, I smiled and felt like a little bit wanna cry when I saw this ,

this is what teacher drawn on my exam paper...I smiled is because there're not many teachers will draw such a cute thingy on pupil's exam paper and felt like wanna cry is just feel sorry to her .I should study earlier to get a better result next time . GOOD NIGHT :' )

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Owhh, my daddy and mummy went out just now ,so today's dinner will prepare by my sis! Weeee, what will my sis prepares?

DA DA !!!

Look nice right? It taste good too !
*BURP* I'm fulled ! LOL YUMMY ! Sis, you should always does these great jobs! XD LOVE ya ! <3

Friday, June 8, 2012


Hey my bloggie , Long time no see! I saw my last post just now, I was like 'OMG' ,I've been stop updating my blog for a few months ... == Doggie asked me when do I wanna update my blog, actually I just don't know how to answer her question because even myself...don't know when will I update a new post too .How did I answer her question? You guess ? : )  <--- I'm not calling you to guess, I mean that's my answer LOL! So sweat XP Many of my friends open my blog and just see the eggies always in these days, MIAHAHAHA!!! Holidays are gonna end, what am I planning to do in this holidays like complete my homeworks, tidy up the books under my bed, study , all of them FAILED ! Nevermind ,that's what I've expected ! Heheeeee :D Well, I use to face my results on next week ,what a terrible week ,hope my results will not to be so bad and I don't want to let my family down ! PLEASE ! Friends ,see ya next week!  ;D

Sunday, February 5, 2012

OMG ! (5/2/2012)

Hiyaa ! The blog post today is just share about what I've did yesterday !
That's the standing egg made by me !!! XD

Made it together with my mum ! :D

I don't know why I'm just so happy for that ! OH YEAH ! I DID IT !!! Weeeeeeee Eggies are so amazing ! TRY IT ! ;D

Friday, February 3, 2012


Hello! OMG time is running so fast, it's Febuary now! I have no time to online on Monday to Friday , SAD :( . The Chinese New Year holiday had already end. Well, this New Year holiday is nice ,almost everyday I met my relatives and had fun together with them. When I saw them ,I was like 'OMG Long Time No See !!!' You know ,that's so hard to meet with them if don't have any holiday...everyone is rushing for their own life...time is not enough anyway. I was so happy to meet with them and really thanks for their angpau XD Okay, I should study hard and not to be so LAZY anymore!!!!! If i can...=3= I don't have change my class and I've decided to stay in 4 ST 2. As for Account ,I go for tuition but haven't confirm am I going to take it in school yet. It's already very busy now, I'll have to do project for Account and my friend said we have to get grade A in Account in our mid year exam or we can't continue to take the next exam if we took Account. @@ This make me feel so annoying *sigh* Nevermind, everything will be fine! The most important is to be happy! HAHAHA I go and enjoy my time now . It's time to off , BYE ! :D

Friday, January 6, 2012


不知不覺開學已有幾天了,課本也拿了,開始上課了…時間過得好快呀!原來星期四沒有補習哦,其實是改去星期三了,也沒聽老師說過,結果是朋友告訴我才知道,因為我們都不知道,所以沒去 >< 雖然不用星期一到星期五都補,不過小提琴課又要換時間了…之前是星期二,因為星期二要補習時間比較長,所以換去星期三,現在補習又改去星期三了@@現在目前煩惱的是到底要不要轉班?也應該說能不能轉得到!我想學account,報了sub science,結果被分到pure science…雖然pure science很好,但我要學account啊!不知道能不能換,但如果換不到也沒關係,老師說可以報考呀!所以現在我也有補account ;D 不過總好像在煩惱些啥! @@

對了,今天是欣儀的生日哦,生日快樂!我認識你又一年了,現在又能跟你同班我真的很高興!好好過你的大日子唄!一定要很開心哦! :DDD

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The First Day of 2012

Hello 2012 ! I slept after 12 am yesterday because I wanna see the dazzling fireworks in the sky ! Actually before 12 am, somebody had set off the fireworks , I felt so excited because I saw two places set off the fireworks together at the same time :D Then, I knew a secret ...shhh....actually the fireworks were just came from one place, another one was the reflection of the window == I told my brother :'' Hey bro, come and look at these ! There are two places set off the fireworks together !'' My brother came along and looked , he said:" Wow.." Then I told him the truth and started to laugh at him XD That's freaking bored while waiting, I went downstair to watch TV ,watched the replay of 'Million Star', I watched again althought I've watched. :) This is my favourite TV show! ;D Okay ,it was going to reach 12 am ,just a few minutes more !!! We chit chatted together to welcome the coming up New Year . Maybe we were too happy ,when I looked at the clock ,it was already 12.1x am == WHAT!? What was happended? I just heard the sound from TV ...... ...... ......Then? What I heard excepted the sound from TV was just our talking sound ... == What the ...... What am I waiting for ? Luckily my favourite TV show was replaying, if not I'll faint .Before 12 am, I am very sure that I'll look at the colourful fireworks and feel so touch...Maybe my house is quiet far from the places where the countdown parties held ,I heard nothing and saw nothing ...Thankyou for bringing me this New Year suprise == Today, before we went out for breakfast, we were complaining about what had happended yesterday ,then my dad said:'' Hahah, I'd said go to sleep and no need to wait for it ! '' my mum and I heard this, we both looked at him :" Hello, you also watched TV and chit chatted with us until about 1 am...'' I remember he asked why ONE in mandarin had two pronounciation ,that's 'yi' and 'yao' HAHAH Good Bye to 2011 ,its a year fulled of happiness ,the sweet memories will stay along with me to face the coming up events. 2012 ,I must work harder no matter on study or other activities. :) The first day of 2012, this is my 100th blog posts! XD Anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! A wonderful life is coming to you and me ! ;D