Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Performance @ Aeon 23/12/2012

Time flies... I was like the performance is coming, need to do more practise, and now the performance was already passed for two days. Feeling so happy to have performances with you guys, these were so amazing ! Hope we can have more and more performances together in the coming days ! Keep in touch ! :D After the performance, Zhi Qi, Yinn Syuen, Chong Li and me followed Mr.Cyril and Ms.Chloe to the pasar malam at Kepong! :P Chong Li and me went to the pasar malam by teacher's new car, Honda CRZ ! LOL Okay, we played rock-paper-scissors to decide who's the one sitting infront and behind, of course the one who won will sit infront which is more comfort I think? I can say the whole of the game, I just won the first round...... So, I'm the one who was sitting behind and hugging his 'wife' all the way until we reached the pasar malam. OMG This was my first time ever to have stinky tofu, I don't dare to go near with it everytime I go to pasar malam because it's smell will come to me even I'm just stepped into the pasar malam, it smells so bad. Mr.Cyril and Ms.Chloe love it so much and they said each of us must have a piece of it, I felt a little bit scare, I can't imagine it will taste good when the smell came. Tried it out, it was okay actually, not as terrible as what I think, surprisingly it was quite nice, it tastes spicy. :P 

Duet with Zhi Qi ! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D


V.S ensemble group ! :D and two little cute kids...our new members ! :D Why was Zhi Qi looked like smiling so sweet in this photo? I didn't remember that we were playing a love song. XD

Photos from Chong Li ! ;)

Waiting teachers for our super awesome group photos ! LOL We took the photos infront of teachers' music centre after the performance ! The funny moment when the alarm system of the cinema opposite the music centre was keep beeping, as we didn't know about the reason, we were like 'YAY!' and did whatever pose without giving a xxxx ! XD Okay, friends , I'll miss you guys soooooooooo muchieeee ! Hope to see you guys again as soon as possible ! Teeeheeeee


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