Monday, January 17, 2011


Oh yea, today's perhimpunan is very cool mannnn , PMR 2010 50+ students got straight As in our school, omg , I'm admire them so much ! ( admire , admIRE, ADMIRE ! NOT JEALOUS !!! ) XD Ya , actually i'm jealous too ! lol just kidding ! But for sure, I hope i'm as smart as them ,wooooooohh! Now, I'm keep discussing with my friends about co-curricular tomorrow , heyyyyy is it tomorrow really have co-curricular ??? Why some of you said yes but some said no , then what should I say? I just can say I don't know ! I'm very confuse now , since not comfirm then I'm not going to stay back tomorrow . =P lalala ~Owhhh, it's time to sleep ,heeeeee GOOD NIGHT ! :D

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