Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Heeeyaaa ! I realized that's one month I never update my blog again.... Last post was something about... CHINESE NEW YEAR!? LOL Now is already another holiday ! :P Erhhemmm ... yea...I haven't touch any of my homework yet . :x The post title is related to something happened on yesterday, that was my sis, she can always make things funny. Before I went for tuition, someone came to our house, I never seen her before, okay...She was talking with my dad and mum at downstairs and I'm going upstairs to ask my sis for fetching me to the tuition centre. She was playing her phone and then looked at me,

Sis:''Who's there downstairs?''
Me:''A women..."
Sis:''Huh? We never seen her before? Does she in the Pokedex?''


After we greeted the women, my sis and I got into the car, my sis said the women looked like pidgey! LOLOLOLOL She was still remember the power of pidgey and started to imitate the Pokedex.
Suddenly reminded me my childhood, our favourite, POKEMON ! 3 of us are always start the game at the same time and compete whether who is the fastest and the pokemon strongest. LOL I still remember those 3 starter pokemon, 3 of us will choose the different types, there's always like these, my sis chooses fire type, my bro chooses grass type and I choose water type. OMG  I miss that time so muchhhie ! :D

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