Monday, February 4, 2013


Weeeeee Finally I feel better now, last Saturday was the road run activity of my school, my legs damn pain, the more pain I feel when sneezing. -.- This is the last road run activity in my secondary life, although I'm sure that I will not be in the top 15th and attendance is just worth for 1 mark to help rumah SAGA lol, but I enjoyed so much, I finished my run with Xuan ! :P

I just bought my new clothes for Chinese New Year with my sis and bro, OMG it's really exciting that holiday is coming, but I can suddenly feel moody when I think of all the things we are gonna do after the holiday. All the teachers were like 'Pass up after Chinese New Year.' , 'Starts after Chinese New Year.', you know Chinese New Year is such a joyful festival, we can eat whatever and play whatever, even chat from the rise to the set of the sun , OMG super duper relax , so please don't make it related to something soooooooo stressful. T_T Noooooo... SPM is nearer and nearer ... Hope I will do something I should do in this coming holiday, I can imagine this holiday will just end up like my usual holiday, totally enjoy without doing a single thing that I need to do. Then it will come out the same conversation every time after a holiday, 'Hey, did you do your xxx (homework) ?' , 'HUHHHH?! (looked like really don't know about this homework or even didn't hear it before) ARGHHHHHHHHHH (all the memories before the holiday came back suddenly)'... and busy all the day in the class...... Do you feel the conversation heard familiar, LOL ! :P 

It's time to off, tataaaaaaa ! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D

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