Saturday, June 30, 2012

I'm BACK !

Hey! I had back from the camp yesterday! Weeeeeee Although it was tiring but I felt very happy! :D Kem Wirajaya Forest Resort...'RESORT'? *Doubt* LOL XD Actually it's okay, no mattress there and the bed we slept there was just a plank of wood. All of us were sleeping like a row of sardines.Toilets there...XD do I describe it? 2 toilets there for 1x or 2x people and always just gave us a few minutes, so rush you know...Toilets there can't flush, this the big problem, need to use the small pail outside, somebody din't do it and cause the toilets damn smelly but you won't care anything when you're in emergency.== The schedule changed, we slept at 4.xx a.m. the first day and 12.xx the second day,TIRED!!! Keep dozing when the instructors were talking there and gonna slap myself to avoid fall asleep ,I think pink sticker will appears on my shirt if I asleep . There were 2 colours of stickers , green=positive and pink=negative, pink stickers will cause certificate flies T__T Luckily our teachers and the instructors there are so kind ,all of us got certificate OH YEAHHHH ! I brought my spoon and fork there and lastly I eat with using my hand ! :D NICE TRY ! They gave us about 5 or 6 minutes to eat, I were almost the last one the first and second time, but I became faster and faster the following times ! ;D I just bath one time there and it was without any shampoo and shower gel ,the other days we just 'bath' in the river LOL Woooo We started our nightwalk in the jungle at 2.xx a.m., luckily the instructors let girls go in pairs for the solowalk, I'm with Sin Yee ! :D Some instructors hide there to scare us, their sound acted like fierce dogs' ,Sin Yee and I stunned there for awhile and we knew that there were just our instructors. @@ Actually we heard guys' sound before that and Sin Yee asked me did I hear guys' talking sound, I grabbed her hand tightly to let her knew I did and I saw the instructors' heads, I'm not confirm because it was very dark there, their sound acted like the real fierce dogs. 0.0 The 'X.P.D.C Kapal Terbang Terhempas' was so cool !!! Friends, you guys are really good in acting LOL The fake blood and facial expression looked like really pain and I felt like really saving an injured. XD Heeeeeee the songs and the dancing steps are still stuck in my head ! :D 'X X X-MEN SHING!' LOL TEAM B GROUP 6 ,Thanks for the memories, you guys are awesome ! Yay , I learnt a lot of things in this camp ! ;D It was nice and amazing OH YEAHHHHHH !

Went to Starbucks with my sis again and not feeling well again yesterday night. Don't know why I'll not feeling well like wanna spit after drank but it is really sooooo NICE ! WHY !!??? T___T

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I'm Coming !

Weeeee I'm going to kem perdana later ! I will miss my family ,friends ,bed ,and all my babies on my bed so much in this 3 days 2 nights camp! XD OH NO ,I always sleep at 10 or 11 p.m. but the schedule stated that we will sleep at 12a.m. the first day ,3a.m. the second day and need to wake up at 6a.m.. T_T Can't imagine what will I look like when I come back , maybe a panda ? :3 Panda is better than zombie right? XD Okay , it's time to say goodbye ,I'm gonna have my lunch and gather at school later ! TATAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ;)

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Someone keep asking me a same question these days, ‘What’s your first impression of me?’ :) LOL There is not other but you, NOSY DOGGIE! :P You ask me this because you wanna hear me to say something good about you ! MIAHAHA You know I’m not gonna do that ! I’ve knew you about a few years, I’ll forget something even just an hour past, are you expecting me to remember my first impression of you? You suggested me to write about you as my new post right? I think you could wait until my 200th blog post okay? Be patient…I believe you can do it ! ; ) *wink* TEEHEEEE

Hyek hyek ! I've got all my subject's results ! Luckily...NO FAIL !!! OH YEAH ! I'm so happy although my average is going down compare with last time , I thought I'll fail my Biology, Chemistry and BM! You know I'm very lazy and always study in last minute, I haven't finished study ! When I opened the question paper , OMG I'm gonna faint ! @@ BM is so hard ,the subject that I din't get A in my UPSR and PMR is just BM. Can somebody help me please...? :'( It's dangerous to help me , the kind person who help me will gonna get heart diseases because I'm tooooooo STUPID ! XD

Sorry to my teacher, I got the least mark for Biology in this examination. When I got back my exam paper, I smiled and felt like a little bit wanna cry when I saw this ,

this is what teacher drawn on my exam paper...I smiled is because there're not many teachers will draw such a cute thingy on pupil's exam paper and felt like wanna cry is just feel sorry to her .I should study earlier to get a better result next time . GOOD NIGHT :' )

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Owhh, my daddy and mummy went out just now ,so today's dinner will prepare by my sis! Weeee, what will my sis prepares?

DA DA !!!

Look nice right? It taste good too !
*BURP* I'm fulled ! LOL YUMMY ! Sis, you should always does these great jobs! XD LOVE ya ! <3

Friday, June 8, 2012


Hey my bloggie , Long time no see! I saw my last post just now, I was like 'OMG' ,I've been stop updating my blog for a few months ... == Doggie asked me when do I wanna update my blog, actually I just don't know how to answer her question because even myself...don't know when will I update a new post too .How did I answer her question? You guess ? : )  <--- I'm not calling you to guess, I mean that's my answer LOL! So sweat XP Many of my friends open my blog and just see the eggies always in these days, MIAHAHAHA!!! Holidays are gonna end, what am I planning to do in this holidays like complete my homeworks, tidy up the books under my bed, study , all of them FAILED ! Nevermind ,that's what I've expected ! Heheeeee :D Well, I use to face my results on next week ,what a terrible week ,hope my results will not to be so bad and I don't want to let my family down ! PLEASE ! Friends ,see ya next week!  ;D