Friday, January 6, 2012


不知不覺開學已有幾天了,課本也拿了,開始上課了…時間過得好快呀!原來星期四沒有補習哦,其實是改去星期三了,也沒聽老師說過,結果是朋友告訴我才知道,因為我們都不知道,所以沒去 >< 雖然不用星期一到星期五都補,不過小提琴課又要換時間了…之前是星期二,因為星期二要補習時間比較長,所以換去星期三,現在補習又改去星期三了@@現在目前煩惱的是到底要不要轉班?也應該說能不能轉得到!我想學account,報了sub science,結果被分到pure science…雖然pure science很好,但我要學account啊!不知道能不能換,但如果換不到也沒關係,老師說可以報考呀!所以現在我也有補account ;D 不過總好像在煩惱些啥! @@

對了,今天是欣儀的生日哦,生日快樂!我認識你又一年了,現在又能跟你同班我真的很高興!好好過你的大日子唄!一定要很開心哦! :DDD

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The First Day of 2012

Hello 2012 ! I slept after 12 am yesterday because I wanna see the dazzling fireworks in the sky ! Actually before 12 am, somebody had set off the fireworks , I felt so excited because I saw two places set off the fireworks together at the same time :D Then, I knew a secret ...shhh....actually the fireworks were just came from one place, another one was the reflection of the window == I told my brother :'' Hey bro, come and look at these ! There are two places set off the fireworks together !'' My brother came along and looked , he said:" Wow.." Then I told him the truth and started to laugh at him XD That's freaking bored while waiting, I went downstair to watch TV ,watched the replay of 'Million Star', I watched again althought I've watched. :) This is my favourite TV show! ;D Okay ,it was going to reach 12 am ,just a few minutes more !!! We chit chatted together to welcome the coming up New Year . Maybe we were too happy ,when I looked at the clock ,it was already 12.1x am == WHAT!? What was happended? I just heard the sound from TV ...... ...... ......Then? What I heard excepted the sound from TV was just our talking sound ... == What the ...... What am I waiting for ? Luckily my favourite TV show was replaying, if not I'll faint .Before 12 am, I am very sure that I'll look at the colourful fireworks and feel so touch...Maybe my house is quiet far from the places where the countdown parties held ,I heard nothing and saw nothing ...Thankyou for bringing me this New Year suprise == Today, before we went out for breakfast, we were complaining about what had happended yesterday ,then my dad said:'' Hahah, I'd said go to sleep and no need to wait for it ! '' my mum and I heard this, we both looked at him :" Hello, you also watched TV and chit chatted with us until about 1 am...'' I remember he asked why ONE in mandarin had two pronounciation ,that's 'yi' and 'yao' HAHAH Good Bye to 2011 ,its a year fulled of happiness ,the sweet memories will stay along with me to face the coming up events. 2012 ,I must work harder no matter on study or other activities. :) The first day of 2012, this is my 100th blog posts! XD Anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! A wonderful life is coming to you and me ! ;D