Saturday, September 13, 2014

It has been 9 months....

Oppss Hello My cute bloggie, it has been 9 months since my last update. A lot of things had happened in this particular 9 months, I worked as a part time promoter in Fendi KLCC, I started my University life, I had my Korea trip and now, semester 2 has started for a week. There's a waste that I never put up anything here, seriously I don't really use computer except for printing my academic materials... Blogspot should come out with an efficient application for bloggers! ( I read a lot of feedbacks that criticizing about the apps) So, now I'm in my practice of using an app to blog but still I miss Blogspot so much.

Semester 2 has just 4 subjects but feel like it's tiring than the first semester, I don't know whether it's the matter of timetable or something else, but weeeee, a lot of new classmates from other intakes. I will always miss my first semester okay, the semester that had so much fun with those crazy people, I will miss you guys...NAH you guys will miss me so much.

I will start my weekend part time job on next week! Yesh Feeling happy that I've finally taken a new step towards my goals, on the other hand, quite sad that it'll be hard for me to have family day with my love ones. Anyway, the interviewer kept on asking me am I okay with that since I'm studying now, I will need time for assignments and all that, I'll take this as a new challenge for myself, it's a good timing to practice my time management and tear off the label of procrastinator. Been a laggard for years, it's quite hard to do that but I will try my best. LOL Miss my Personal Development and Leadership class and Ms. Sangeetha so much suddenly, BE PROACTIVE AND ACHIEVE THE GOALS! ;)

'WILL' is more powerful than you think it is.

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