Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Yayy Final examination is finally over OVER !!! The History paper 3...LOL yesterday was the first time I did the open book exam in school, felt like I was doing something bad. =3= hand was really pain and I think my hand will be pain again tomorrow, haishhh need to return the text books and this year will be the year which is heaviest among my secondary school life...I mean my whole school life, English version text books + BM version text books. o_o Okay, forget about it, holiday is just coming soon, how amazing is this ! Hmmm...feel like form 4 life is short, its gonna end , did I do anything? LOL What to do in this holiday? I'm sooooooo excited ! hyek hyek ! I can sleep, lay on the sofa, sleep, lay on the sofa, sleep, lay on the sofa and  lay on the sofa to sleep! :D OMG can't wait to enjoy my holiday ! XD


Weeeeee HELLO ! Okay, the toughest week of the final examination is finally over ! I'm in a holiday mood now though the examination hasn't over ! ;P I'm like start to think something to do in my holidays . XD Hyek hyek oh yeah I baked chocolate cookies yesterday , FAILED ! It tastes good but not enough crunchy. T_T Heeee but that's okay , how can there be a beautiful success without any failure , I'll try again next time when those I baked yesterday finished. LOL XD

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Bye examination is just around the corner. :'( So...I'll not be here for about one month maybe... my examintaion is until 31st of October ,arghhhhhhhhh! I'm so lazy lazy lazy !!! BYE my dear bloggie, see ya next month...I'll miss you a lot. :') HELP I really don't wanna swtich off my computer ! NOOOOOOOOO