Saturday, September 13, 2014

It has been 9 months....

Oppss Hello My cute bloggie, it has been 9 months since my last update. A lot of things had happened in this particular 9 months, I worked as a part time promoter in Fendi KLCC, I started my University life, I had my Korea trip and now, semester 2 has started for a week. There's a waste that I never put up anything here, seriously I don't really use computer except for printing my academic materials... Blogspot should come out with an efficient application for bloggers! ( I read a lot of feedbacks that criticizing about the apps) So, now I'm in my practice of using an app to blog but still I miss Blogspot so much.

Semester 2 has just 4 subjects but feel like it's tiring than the first semester, I don't know whether it's the matter of timetable or something else, but weeeee, a lot of new classmates from other intakes. I will always miss my first semester okay, the semester that had so much fun with those crazy people, I will miss you guys...NAH you guys will miss me so much.

I will start my weekend part time job on next week! Yesh Feeling happy that I've finally taken a new step towards my goals, on the other hand, quite sad that it'll be hard for me to have family day with my love ones. Anyway, the interviewer kept on asking me am I okay with that since I'm studying now, I will need time for assignments and all that, I'll take this as a new challenge for myself, it's a good timing to practice my time management and tear off the label of procrastinator. Been a laggard for years, it's quite hard to do that but I will try my best. LOL Miss my Personal Development and Leadership class and Ms. Sangeetha so much suddenly, BE PROACTIVE AND ACHIEVE THE GOALS! ;)

'WILL' is more powerful than you think it is.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

I'm Back !

OMG who's here again ! Finally I started blogging, 'Hey Bloggie, long time no see' (It's deja vu in almost every blog post). Hmmm a few months never write a post, hardly to start this now. First, SPM was already over on 3rd of this month, means that my high school life had came to an end, can I say I'm feeling quite happy for this? Actually my high school life was quite boring, except the the time when I chit-chating with my friends, but still I believe I will miss these days so much someday. Seriously until now, I still can't believe it, sometimes I sit on the couch I will still keep looking at the clock like I'm having tuition class later, unbelievable! Anyway, YAY SPM HAD OVER! Oopss, it's super duper late to say this but please, how could the post without a sentence like this, we were finally done the exam everyone was keep saying about started from Form 4. Returned the textbooks and cleaned those other books, my room was suddenly so empty and then only I knew I have the potential to keep papers, many papers were fully used for drawing and writing something for fun, I don't know why was I not throwing it that time?

Recycled all these ! XD

Got my certificate of the Chinese Culture Contest for Overseas Chinese Teenagers! :)

Actually for the title, there's not just for I'm started blogging back but also I'm back from my Thailand trip with my lovely family. Well, this will be such a very great trip if it's without the food poisoning issue. I enjoyed the first day very well, but then second day suffered for stomach ache and gastric pain, the third day food poisoning cause myself keep vomiting and the last day vomited too. -.- The first food poisoning in my life, luckily my dad bought me some medicine. ;) Actually my sis and my bro vomited too, three of us shared a same room, all vomited here and there. Sorry to the person who needs to clean our room.

Menam River in Thailand 

 McD in Thailand

Actually not much of photos had been captured because my handphone was run out of batteries. TT A friendly reminder here, Thailand is using 2 pin plug, the plugs we usually use in Malaysia cannot be use there. My dad thought he brought the electrical adapter but he actually not. Luckily my sis brought her power bank, but you know right, I went there for 4 days 3 nights, the power bank just survived until the first or the second day. Back from the trip, feel myself lifeless again, everyday lie on the sofa and playing handphone. Well, I think it's time to find a job. $_$ Heheee

Monday, July 15, 2013


I never thought that this will be the first post after I've stopped blogging for a few months. I was shocked when I read the news of Cory was found dead in a hotel room in Vancouver, it's really unbelievable, he is just 31 years old. Cory is my most favourite Glee star in the first season of Glee, he is handsome and talented, his voice is always so awesome. Cory, Thankyou for bringing us a lot of amazing performances, Finn Hudson, the memorable character of Glee forever.


Sunday, March 31, 2013

28 MARCH 2013

March 28 of 2013, my birthday this year had over ! XD I'm officially 17 years old ! OMG Thanks for the presents and wishes, I appreciate so much . :') How glad to have you guys in my life, THANKYOU for everything ! :D

Doggie ! As I said, you can just admit that you love me ! LOL Awwww....she knows me well, blue colour, my favourite ! ;D I remember I baked cookies for her birthday last year, she said she doesn't know how to bake cookies but when she gave me the present, wow ! OMG I thought she bought it because it just looked like which is selling outside, after I read the message on the present, woahhhh she baked it herself ! Yummmmyummmmm ! :3

Okay, I'm a person who loves to buy albums I think? LOL My mum always say that I bought a lot of albums but not often listening to it, yea...she said this again to me because the presents given by my sis and bro to me are just albums ! :D I answered her:'' I wanna support my idols !'' ,she looked at me:'' Support my purse will be better!'' XD 

Jung Minnie's album by my sis & FT Island albums by my bro ! :D
OMG all of them are my favourite songs ! :D
 LISTEN ! LISTEN ! LISTEN ! All of the songs are so awesome ! :D

And also the presents from friends, I will keep them well, thanks for giving me a such wonderful birthday ! Friends forever and let's work hard together for SPM ! Weeeeeeeee ;D

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Heeeyaaa ! I realized that's one month I never update my blog again.... Last post was something about... CHINESE NEW YEAR!? LOL Now is already another holiday ! :P Erhhemmm ... yea...I haven't touch any of my homework yet . :x The post title is related to something happened on yesterday, that was my sis, she can always make things funny. Before I went for tuition, someone came to our house, I never seen her before, okay...She was talking with my dad and mum at downstairs and I'm going upstairs to ask my sis for fetching me to the tuition centre. She was playing her phone and then looked at me,

Sis:''Who's there downstairs?''
Me:''A women..."
Sis:''Huh? We never seen her before? Does she in the Pokedex?''


After we greeted the women, my sis and I got into the car, my sis said the women looked like pidgey! LOLOLOLOL She was still remember the power of pidgey and started to imitate the Pokedex.
Suddenly reminded me my childhood, our favourite, POKEMON ! 3 of us are always start the game at the same time and compete whether who is the fastest and the pokemon strongest. LOL I still remember those 3 starter pokemon, 3 of us will choose the different types, there's always like these, my sis chooses fire type, my bro chooses grass type and I choose water type. OMG  I miss that time so muchhhie ! :D

Friday, February 22, 2013

Hello !

Heyyyy bloggie, I'm back ! ;D Feel like finally I am updating my blog, and when I saw my last post, I realized that my post titles are always so lame, I mean the post titles are always something like Hey, Hello, Hi,  Hyeee , Heee, Hooo, Haaa, Byeee and whatever, you're kind, please forgive me. :P OMG, Chinese New Year holidays had already over about a week, bring me back please, this holidays were so happy because everyday was so busy to play, eat and sleep until the last 2 days of the holidays, I was like suddenly recover from short term memory loss, I realized that I didn't even touch my bag. Weeee, I watched the movie 'TOGETHER' with my sis during the holidays, obviously it's a love story, this movie is damn funny but soooo touching nearly the end of the story. A nice movie with all handsomes and pretties ! :P Okay, when we were queueing for the movie tickets, I've suddenly saw something, 'SIS! SIS! Look at that, the alphabet O of 'Together' , it's just like the logo of SS501 !!!!!!' LOL forgive my craziness please ! Weeeeeeeeee

Life was always so wonderful in holidays, LOL. Thanks for the angpau... and of course, I became fatter now, I was keep eating and drinking although I was sated. There are a lot of works need to do now, as the examination is coming too, arghhhhhhhh so sad ! :(  Oh ya, and Thank You Diana for the key chain, I love it sooo much ! :D I feel so touching that you were still remember me during the holidays, I understand, just confess that you love me ! LOL Luckily she told me so that I could watch PJM's live on tv , and we watched until the programme ended, it was around 1.xx am, OMG he is just too HOT !!!! Hope that he will come to Malaysia soon ! ;) Type until now...what a bad feeling, suddenly remember my homeworks and the coming oral presentations... =3=  Okay then Byebyeeeee :'( ..... I'm going downstairs to watch TV ! LOL ! TEEEHEEEEE

Monday, February 4, 2013


Weeeeee Finally I feel better now, last Saturday was the road run activity of my school, my legs damn pain, the more pain I feel when sneezing. -.- This is the last road run activity in my secondary life, although I'm sure that I will not be in the top 15th and attendance is just worth for 1 mark to help rumah SAGA lol, but I enjoyed so much, I finished my run with Xuan ! :P

I just bought my new clothes for Chinese New Year with my sis and bro, OMG it's really exciting that holiday is coming, but I can suddenly feel moody when I think of all the things we are gonna do after the holiday. All the teachers were like 'Pass up after Chinese New Year.' , 'Starts after Chinese New Year.', you know Chinese New Year is such a joyful festival, we can eat whatever and play whatever, even chat from the rise to the set of the sun , OMG super duper relax , so please don't make it related to something soooooooo stressful. T_T Noooooo... SPM is nearer and nearer ... Hope I will do something I should do in this coming holiday, I can imagine this holiday will just end up like my usual holiday, totally enjoy without doing a single thing that I need to do. Then it will come out the same conversation every time after a holiday, 'Hey, did you do your xxx (homework) ?' , 'HUHHHH?! (looked like really don't know about this homework or even didn't hear it before) ARGHHHHHHHHHH (all the memories before the holiday came back suddenly)'... and busy all the day in the class...... Do you feel the conversation heard familiar, LOL ! :P 

It's time to off, tataaaaaaa ! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D